SDG 16

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

SDG 16

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

SDG 16 focuses on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, ensuring access to justice for all, and building effective and accountable institutions at all levels. The goal targets reducing violence, ending exploitation of children, promoting the rule of law, combating corruption, and enhancing participatory decision-making. Contributing to SDG 16 ensures a more just future for all generations regarding the reduction of insecurities and injustices on different levels.

Donau Soja Organisation

Donau Soja is a non-profit member-based organisation. With more than 320 members from 29 European countries, Donau Soja represent a diverse set of stakeholders, including industry, farmers, civil society, research, and public institutions.

Donau Soja fosters dialogue between different stakeholders to create a policy and regulatory framework that supports sustainable soya bean production and trade and contributes to the development of effective, accountable, and transparent institutions at all levels. Donau Soja’s way of work is dedicated to responsive, inclusive, participatory, and representative decision-making (see Donau Soja statutes).

Donau Soja / Europe Soya Standard

Through the principles 3 and 10, the Donau Soja / Europe Soya Standard contributes directly to SDG 16.

The standard requires farmers and other value chain actors to respect applicable laws. Farmers shall conduct business with integrity, respecting applicable laws and avoiding all forms of bribery, conflicts of business interest, fraudulent practices, and respect land use rights (see principle 3).

Compliance with fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organisations (ILO Conventions) are mandatory. This includes a ban on forced, compulsory, bonded, trafficked or otherwise involuntary labour; no corporal punishment, mental or physical oppression or coercion, verbal or physical abuse, sexual harassment, or any kind of intimidation; no child labour. Equal work must be equally paid. All workers shall have equal access to training and benefits and shall have equal opportunities for promotion and for filling any available position (see principle 10).


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