Governance and statutes

The tasks, rights and obligations of the Donau Soja Association and its boards, bodies and members are set out in its statutes.
Acceptance of the statutes is a pre-requisite for membership of the Donau Soja Association.

Find the Donau Soja statutes here.

The Donau Soja Organisation comprises a non-profit association, a 100% non-profit subsidiary (Donau Soja gGmbH), and offices in Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine.
For details about the structure of the Donau Soja Organisation, please refer to the Donau Soja statutes.


The Donau Soja bodies are the General Assembly, the Board, the Steering Committee (Presidium), the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Auditors, the Advisory Board and the Scientific Advisory Board.


The Ordinary General Assembly is the “members’ meeting” and is held annually, within nine months after the end of the fiscal year.


The Board currently has 13 members. The Board meets six times a year and is responsible for decisions on the Donau Soja guidelines, as well as projects and strategies.

Matthias Krön (Chairman)

Donau Soja (AT)

Johann Schlederer (Deputy Chairman)

Verband Österreichischer Schweinebauern (Austrian Pork Farmers Union) (AT)

Johann Blaimauer (Deputy Chairman)

RWA Raiffeisen Ware Austria (AT)

Natalia Hordiichuk

Agritema (UA) 

Ruud Tijssens

Agrifirm (NL)

Ingrid Schlichenmaier

BAG Ölmühle (BAG Oil Mill) (AT)

Lukas Wiesmüller

Spar Österreich (AT)

Cristina dalla Bona

Cereal Docks (IT)

Piero Ciriani

Soia Italia (IT)

Carsten Lentz Storm

Intergrain (LUX)

Rudolf Bühler

Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall (Farmers Union Schwäbisch Hall) (DE)

Natasa Pucar

Studen & Co Holding GmbH (BiH) 

Hannah Mittner

Lidl Stiftung (DE) 

The Board is supported by Stephan Dorfmeister as Treasurer.

The auditors are Ernst Ternon and Ernst Gauhs.



The Steering Committee (Praesidium) considers suggestions offered by the Board. These may be accepted or rejected. The Steering Committee currently consists of 12 persons drawn from businesses and organisations.

Anna Seiwerth

Lajtamag Kft (HU)

Florian Faber

ARGE Gentechnik-frei (Platform for GMO-Free Food Products) (AT)

Michael Gohn

Fritz Mauthner Handelsges.m.b.H & Co KG (AT)

Vyacheslav Chuk

Astarta (UA) 

Bogdan Zigic

Biofor (RS) 

Rene van der Poel


Michael Wurzer

Geflügelwirtschaft Österreich (AT)

Amos Ramsauer

Agriprotein GmbH (DE)

Francois Paypou

Lidea (FR) 

Andreas Grund


Jakub Lunter

Alfa Bio (SK)

Gerald Gruber

Fixkraft-Futtermittel (AT) 


Donau Soja Association has two advisory boards covering two different task areas: a Technical Advisory Board and a Scientific Advisory Board.

Technical Advisory Board
The Technical Advisory Board supports and counsels the Association on content-related decisions and consists of 12 persons drawn from both the private business sector and civil society.

Helmut Gaugitsch

Umweltbundesamt (Austrian Environmental Agency, AT)

Daniele Marcomin

Agroholism (IT)

Martin Greßl

Agrarmarkt Austria (AT)

Ursula Bittner

Greenpeace (AT)

Karl Fischer

Soja aus Österreich (AT)

Adolf Marksteiner

Landwirtschaftskammer Österreich (Chamber of Agriculture, AT)

Benedikt Haerlin

Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft (Foundation for Agriculture of the Future, DE)

Andreas Lidauer

Hofer KG (AT)

Michaela Meyer


Wolfram Schaecke

Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism (DE)

Steffen Kemper

Global Nature Fund (DE)

Michael Duspiwa

Vimeksim International GmbH (AT)

Scientific Advisory Board
The purpose of the Scientific Advisory Board is to provide the Association with independent scientific advice in order to support the full range of Donau Soja’s activities. This includes advice on planning scientific investigations, and the positions the association should take on wider scientific matters. The overall goal of the Scientific Advisory Board is to support evidence-based decision making. It consists of ten persons drawn from a diverse range of scientific backgrounds, including universities and research institutes. Its composition is designed to cover a range of research disciplines and backgrounds which are relevant to the development of sustainable cropping systems using soya and related value chains.

The following Association and commercial authorised signatories have been registered as members of the Scientific Advisory Board.

Donal Murphy Bokern


Johann Vollmann

BOKU University Vienna- Universität für Bodenkultur (AT)

Danijel Jug

Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, Osijek (HR)

Werner Sitzmann

Research Institute of Feed Technology (DE)

Helmut Feitzlmayr

Landwirtschaftskammer Oberösterreich (AT)

Reinhard Puntigam

University of Bonn (DE)

Thomas Nemecek

Agroscope (CH)

Jegor Milandinovic

Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (RS)

Elisabeth Reiter

AGES Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AT)

Leonard Sagis

University of Wageningen (NL)


Executive Director: Aurélie Tournan

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