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Tonnen Donau Soja / Europe Soya zertifizierte Sojabohnen
Unterzeichnerländer der Donau Soja & Europe Soya Erklärung
Jahre Donau Soja
(zurzeit nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar)
New Donau Soja Life-Cycle-Assessment Results: Significant carbon reduction for SBTi FLAG & CSRD
The latest Donau Soja LCA results confirm the exceptional carbon footprint of Donau Soja-certified soybeans as a powerful opportunity for substantial Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) reductions through certified soya. Read more

Aurélie Tournan is the new Managing Director of Donau Soja

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Was unsere Mitglieder sagen

Johann Blaimauer
RWA Raiffeisen Ware Austria AG
Thanks to Donau Soja for the support of Austrian soybean acreage development from 37 to 95 thousand ha within 10 years.

Helmut Gaugitsch
Umweltbundesamt – Environment Agency Austria
Since the founding of the Donau Soja association, we have been providing our expertise on sustainability, environmental issues, genetically modified organismus and risk assessment.

Michael Wurzer
Austrian Poultry Federation
It is our mission to help the Austrian poultry farmers to adjust to the growing expectation of consumers, but we have to make sure, that these efforts also lead to a better economic situation fot the farmers and partners along the value chain.

Steffen Kemper
Global Nature Fund
Deforestation-free supply chains are essential to achieve global cllimate and biodiversity goals. The EUDR creates a binding obligation. Companies should prepare for due diligence at an early stage.

Michaela Meyer
EDEKA Südwest
We assume responsibility and consider the effects of our actions on future generations. This matter is close to our hearts.

Nataliia Gordiichuk
Donau Soja is bringing together Sustainable Soy Ecosystem around responsible consumption idea. European Protein strategy promotes sustainable food choices, key to address climate change.

Johann Vollmann
Donau Soja is bringing together soybean farmers, business people, soy processors and scientists. This helps me to find collaborations in soybean research.

Fortunat Schmid
Fenaco Genossenschaft
Fenaco cooperative is strongly committed to sutainably produced, GMO-free raw materials from Europe. Donau Soja makes an important contribution to ensuring the necessary supply of soy products.
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