SDG 11

Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 11

Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 11 aims to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. The goal focuses on improving urban development and sustainable development planning on a regional and national level. It also aims to protect cultural and natural heritage, increase the resilience of cities to disasters, and provide universal access to green and public spaces. By contributing to SDG 11, cities can become more environmentally friendly and socially inclusive.

Donau Soja Organisation

Donau Soja links rural areas, where the cultivation of Donau Soja / Europe Soya soya beans is located and the urban and per-urban areas, where most of food is consumed. Through its work, Donau Soja aims to increase the competitiveness of local soya producers and processors in structurally weak areas in Europe and increase access to local, regional and international markets through consumer-oriented information.

Donau Soja / Europe Soya Standard

Donau Soja contributes to SDG 11 through principles 8 and 10.

Principle 8 addresses the protection of natural heritage. The production of certified soya complies with a strict no-land-use-change principle (no deforestation / no conversion) with a clear cut-off date: Donau Soja / Europe Soya certified soya beans shall only be cultivated on land dedicated to agricultural use no later than 1 January 2008.

Farmers are not allowed to grow Donau Soja soya beans in protected areas unless the use of such areas for agricultural purposes is explicitly allowed in the respective management plan while respecting the protection goals within the protected area. Those areas include areas designated by law or by the relevant authority for nature protection purposes and areas for the protection of rare, threatened or endangered ecosystems or species (recognised by international agreements or the European Commission or included in lists drawn up by intergovernmental organisations or the International Union for Conservation of Nature [IUCN]).

Principle 10 addresses working conditions on the farm to be in line with human, social and labour rights including access to basic services.


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