Strategic Partnership Programme with Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Donau Soja has had a Strategic Partnership with the Austrian Development Agency since 2017. This collaboration started from an inception phase conducted in 2015 and 2016, which highlighted the importance of the agri-food sector and identified areas of intervention that will bring positive change to the region. Recognised as a catalyst for development and a crucial link between non-EU and EU value chains, within the Strategic Partnership Donau Soja elevates sustainable, non-GM soya and crop production. Operating in Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Programme empowers individuals and legal entities across the value chain, contributing to enhanced economic development and poverty reduction in local communities while supporting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Austrian Development Cooperation supports countries in Africa, Asia, South Eastern and Eastern Europe in their sustainable development.
The Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs plans the strategies. The Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the operational unit of Austrian Development Cooperation, implements programmes and projects together with public institutions, civil society organisations as well as enterprises.
Donau Soja has had a Strategic Partnership with the Austrian Development Agency since 2017. This collaboration started from an inception phase conducted in 2015 and 2016, which highlighted the importance of the agri-food sector and identified areas of intervention that will bring positive change to the region. Recognised as a catalyst for development and a crucial link between non-EU and EU value chains, within the Strategic Partnership Donau Soja elevates sustainable, non-GM soya and crop production. Operating in Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Programme empowers individuals and legal entities across the value chain, contributing to enhanced economic development and poverty reduction in local communities while supporting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Austrian Development Cooperation supports countries in Africa, Asia, South Eastern and Eastern Europe in their sustainable development.
The Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs plans the strategies. The Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the operational unit of Austrian Development Cooperation, implements programmes and projects together with public institutions, civil society organisations as well as enterprises.
Donau Soja and ADA – Strategic Partnership 2017-2024
Building sustainable, inclusive, and well-functioning value chains for Non-GM soya and organic soya in Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
At the End of February 2024 Donau Soja and ADA (Austrian Development Agency) have successfully concluded a 7-year programme that has made significant developments in promoting non-genetically modified (non-GMO) and sustainable soybean production in Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. With a budget of 9 million Euros, evenly split between ADA grant and Donau Soja’s own contribution, this programme has had a far-reaching impact on the soybean value chains in these countries.
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The Donau Soja- ADA Strategic Partnership, has been instrumental in advancing sustainable and non-GMO soybean production, establishing itself as a cornerstone for supply and value chain development production in Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a result of this successful collaboration, over 2.3 million tonnes of sustainably produced non-GMO soybeans have been cultivated in the target countries. The Strategic Partnership has actively engaged over 23,000 participations of target country beneficiaries, with women making up 24% of the registered participation. Over 500 legal entities have been involved across numerous activities, providing valuable opportunities and empowering individuals at every level of the soybean value chain. The 2.3 million tonnes were produced on almost 1 million hectares of sustainably managed land and involvement of more than 14,000 farmers and 160 certified collectors and processors. Within the Strategic Partnership Programme period 2017-2021, area under soybeans in Serbia increased for 18%, in Bosnia and Herzegovina for 40% and yield in Ukraine increased for 34%. We believe that activities of our programme impacted this great developments. This has not only enhanced economic development but has also contributed to poverty reduction in local communities.
Beyond value chain development and economic impact, these remarkable achievements in sustainable soybean production have had significant environmental benefits as well. The production of 2.3 million tonnes of sustainably produced soybeans, resulted in the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to 9 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide (CO₂)-eq compared to a scenario where the total volume is imported from Brazil. Additionally, it has helped in avoiding forest loss and decreasing herbicide usage.
Our program was aligned with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our activities have contributed to SDGs 1 (No Poverty), 2 (Zero Hunger), 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action), 15 (Life on Land), and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).
Presented numbers demonstrate the remarkable progress we have made in promoting non-GMO and sustainable soybean production in Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
We extend our sincere gratitude to ADA for their invaluable support and their visionary recognition of the Donau Soja Organisation as a catalyst for development and a vital bridge between the non-EU and EU value chains. We also express our appreciation to all the individuals and entities that have actively participated in this program. Together, we have built a future that prioritizes sustainability, environmental protection, and economic growth.