Get involved
Donau Soja is active on multiple levels:
European level
We support the cultivation of sustainable soya in Europe according to European Union farm regulations and Donau Soja standards. We also engage in political lobbying on a European level. The Donau Soja and Europe Soya Declarations have been signed by 24 ministers of agriculture in Europe.
Market work
We are working with our members and partners to support value chain developments for European plant proteins, for example with our Protein Partnerships. The Donau Soja standards and quality labels for consumer products.
Research and innovation
We take part in research and innovation activities which support the development of European soya production. Among those activities are our participation in Horizon 2020 projects such as the Legume Hub and Legumes Translated, international research cooperation with China and the isotope database development.

Join our community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to continuous learning and growth. As a member, you’ll gain access to exclusive resources, events, and networking opportunities.
Get certified!
Looking to get certified under one of our standards? By participating in our certification programmes, you are making a valuable contribution to the promotion of GMO-free soybean cultivation in the Danube region as well as in Europe.
Protein Partnerships
Protein Partnerships are a simple tool for supporting and building up safe and sustainable non-GMO soya production in Europe, and at a relatively low cost compared to physically segregated and certified products. They also strengthen the first link in the physical value chain, as well as investing in training and certifying farmers and primary collectors.
Our labels
Our labels offer our partners the opportunity to make their efforts visible to the consumer.
Products on the market
Products with our logo on the packaging help consumers to make sustainable purchasing decisions at the point of sale. Certified products are available in several European countries. You will recognise many of them by their DONAU SOJA and EUROPE SOYA labels, or the NON-GMO PRODUCED label.