Food Processor through Marketer

Are you a food processor or food producer, or the owner of an egg packing station, a slaughterhouse, a dairy, or the like, and interested in labelling Donau Soja or Europe Soya food with the Donau Soja or Europe Soya logo respectively?

Processed food containing Donau Soja or Europe Soya as the only soya ingredient, or Donau Soja or Europe Soya certified animal ingredients may also be labelled as “Donau Soja” or “Europe Soya”.

In case raw Donau Soja or Europe Soya beans are processed in food production, the requirements applicable to a Donau Soja or Europe Soya primary processor additionally apply.

All food labelled with the Donau Soja or Europe Soya logo conforms to either the strict requirements of the Guideline on the Definition of “GMO-Free Production” of Food and its Labelling (Richtlinie zur Definition der “Gentechnikfreien Produktion” von Lebensmitteln und deren Kennzeichnung) published in the Austrian Food Codex (Codex Alimentarius Austriacus) or fulfil the requirements of the German Gentechnik-Durchführungsgesetz (EGGenTDurchfG).

For information on the Donau Soja and Europe Soya logo, please see Labels.

General requirements (valid for all risk levels):

Directly commissioned inspection/certification

Contract with Donau Soja Organisation

Member of the Donau Soja Association (declaration of accession)

Documentation of all goods purchased and used including correct declaration

Keeping comprehensive operational records (incoming deliveries, storage, internal product flow, processing, training, company description, suppliers, customers, product range, outgoing deliveries)
Spatial or chronological segregation of the flows of produce of Donau Soja / Europe Soya and non-Donau Soja /non-Europe Soya

Label shipping documents for animal products “fed with Donau Soja / Europe Soya” on shipping documents of animal products

“Donau Soja / Europe Soya” or “fed with Donau Soja / Europe Soya” labelling possible

For more information, please refer to the Donau Soja guidelines (R 06b) or Europe Soya guidelines (R 06b).

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