Donau Soja Market report

The overview of the European non-GM soya market

The Donau Soja Market Report provides info on the soya industry with a special focus on the European non-GM market. The main objective of the publication is to create market transparency and support the decision making of stakeholders operating in the non-GM soya industry. Information in the document includes GM and non-GM soya prices/premiums as well as supply/demand and other data relevant for market players. Prices/premiums/production forecast are updated on a monthly basis. Market info in the “Topic of the month” section is refreshed in a yearly rotation.

The Donau Soja Market Report is available for our members here.

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European soybean production trends

  • The hot and dry conditions in Europe in July/August have prompted a downward revision in our output forecasts. While soya sowing increased
    in all major producer regions (UA, RU, EU & RS) in 2024, weather disruptions are expected to reduce yields.
  • The soya area in total Europe is…

Market prices & trade dynamics

  • Non-GM soybean prices in the EU moved at 440 EUR/t in mid-August. Over the past 3 months, non-GM soybean prices have shown a downward trend, driven by favour­able weather in the USA and abundant (GM) soybean supply in the global market.
  • Non-GM soya premiums have shown…

Facts and figures



Get in touch with us! If you have any questions or inquiries about the Market Report, send an email to our colleague Bertalan Kruppa,

Our members receive our monthly Market Report as part of the membership package.

Please visit also our daily updated Donau Soja/Europe Soya soya bean meal prices DS/ES Soya bean meal prices

If you are more interested in the newest edition of the Market Report, send an email to our colleague Bertalan Kruppa,